Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Ffrom the book "Labors of Love" - 
by Kenneeth Harper Finton

Napkin Verse

How many poems 
in how many stops
have been written on
napkins in coffee shops.
While others make lists
of the things they must do,
I sip on my coffee
and write like a fool.

Not Every Love

Not every thought I think 
is pure.
Not every move I make 
is sure.
Not every song I write 
can flow.
Not every love I make 
can grow.

 Silent Seeds

When hurt is a blanket of ice
smothering molten flames,
and the holy fire within
turns ashen dreams,
the silent seeds remain 
where miracles are born,
awaiting but new rains
for love to bloom again.

Cosmic Love

Does cosmic love
seek concrete form
in human lovers?
Is this why some 
feel dead
without another?


Yesterday was lonely 
and tomorrow’s never won.
We wake to find the present
is all that ever comes.

Yesterday’s decisions 
made the path we take today, 
but  yesterday is oh so far,
                two billion miles away.


Do you know
what society is?
It is a cloudy mirror
where one views oneself
in different forms.


Wings of Wax

I soared so high on wings of wax,
but not gone high enough to crash.
It’s time for me to make new plans
so flying can be safe again.


Where Magic Grows

Where magic grows,
love goes.
Where laughter spills,
love will.
Where happy dwells,

all’s well.

The Nip

There’s magic in this bottle.
I think I’ll take a nip
and pause between my many cares
as through this life I slip.


I lost my  money, spun my wheels,
I wandered lonely city fields.
Although I looked with eyes of steel,
I did not find my daffodils.

Electronic Love

Love is orbiting freely
around those 
illumined souls
that light one’s path