Tuesday, July 22, 2014


About 1,500 galaxies are visible in this deep view of the universe, taken by allowing the Hubble Space Telescope to stare at the same tiny patch of sky for 10 consecutive days in 1995. The image covers an area of sky only about width of a dime viewed from 75 feet away.


©2014 Ken Finton
People often say, when they do not know the answer, 
“Who knows what is in the mind of God?”
People say that “God knows all.”

Take the common conception of God as a divine being 
that creates and governs the universe. 
Then take all the people here on Earth 
and what they all are thinking 
and what they all have been 
and what they all will be. 
Imagine that God knows all that.

Then add all the other conscious forms of life on Earth, 
The history of the planet and solar system. 
Imagine that God knows that as well.

Then realize that the Earth is a small speck of dust 
in a commonplace galaxy. 
Remember that there are trillions of stars 
and billions of galaxies 
and “God knows how many planets.” 

Try to imagine a mind that knows all this.
What would it be like?
One thing is certain.
It would not be like the human mind.
It would be more like consciousness itself.

But would God even have a Self? 
Is God self aware?
What need would God have for self awareness?

Humans have self awareness.
Some animals have been shown to have self awareness.
Self awareness is a curse and a blessing.
It creates loneliness.
It creates unhappiness.

If God were self aware, God would be lonely.
Does God get lonely?

The self only exists when there is another that exists outside.
It can only be aware of the self 
By knowing that there is another
Outside that is not the self.

If God is everything then what would exist outside God 
For God to be self-aware?
If God isn’t everything then what is this thing outside
That is not God?

What is a mind?
What are the makings of a mind?
Neural synapses. Connections,
Electrical impulses.
Fields of energy.

Some would call it a brain,
But what use would a brain be for God?
A brain is far too small to hold everything
Unless it is an infinitely large brain.
Who has a head big enough to hold an infinite brain?
Or a tail ... Or a stomach ... Or a foot?
Certainly not God. 
God does not need a brain.
If God is everything, then God IS a brain.

Perhaps we have used the wrong image.
Perhaps we should use membrane instead of brain.
Could God be the membrane that binds the electrical impulses?
Fused, united, linked, and bound
Together to create thought?
And then the thought creates action.

We’re getting closer, are we not?
We are getting more godlike in our own minds
By just thinking of that.

What is this membrane made of?
Electrical fields, atomic and subatomic particles.
Quarks and electrons that only have a place in time and space
When they are observed.
Are they only mere observations?

If so, then the observation is everything.
Observation is what causes the universe to come into being.
Observations are the history and the future of all.

Who says that this which observes must be self-aware?
The observer does not need to be self-aware.
The world existed before self-awareness.
The observer has no need to be self-aware.

So, as far as we can tell (and surely we know little),
the universe has only had self-awareness 
for a minute fraction of an eternal epoch.
The universe has gotten along quite well
For billions of years without self-awareness.

So do we live in a fraction of an eon 
When the mud stands up and sees that there are others?

And does that matter at all to the mind of God
That has no self and no need for a self?
After all, God was ______ 
Before anything was born
And will be________
When everything has passed away.

It is up to us to fill in the blanks.
That might be why we are here
... to fill in the blanks.

23 June 2014 
Arvada, Colorado

style="color: #1663c1; font-family: 'Lucida Grande'; margin-bottom: 8px;"> http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=266571&songID=1892949

Saturday, July 19, 2014


©2014 Kenneth Harper Finton

Who started that rumor
a man shouldn't cry?
When he’s done all he can,
tried all he can try?
Who started that rumor
a man shouldn't cry?
Tears grease the passage
while endings pass by.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014



©2014 Ken Finton

Damn you, Ernest Hemingway, I said to myself.
Why did you put that shotgun in your mouth?
I know you are no coward ...
I wanted to be like you 
And here you go and do this?

Strip it to the bone, you said.
Spit out the meat and get to the skeleton
Because that is the foundation
You need to build on.

Dammit, Ernest. Did you build on sand?
Was the rock too hard for you?
Or is is just that I am young
And you are old and someday 
I might put a shotgun in my mouth?

It would not be pretty to think so.
That surely makes a mess 
For someone to clean up.
Did you think of that, Ernest?
Did you plan for someone to wipe
Your brains off of the wall?

Dammit, Ernest, you had it all.
I wanted all that too
And then you show me
That it was not having it all
That really mattered.

So where do I go now, Mr. Hemingway?
Like you, I have to write this shit down.
But you made me feel that a crappy future
Is all that lies in store.
So where do I go now, Mr. Hemingway?

Oh, I will stumble though from day to day.
I might even learn some things 
You missed along the way.
I will fall and pick myself up.

But you have made me wonder about having it all.
Maybe I don’t want that after all.
I might have to get it all before I know for certain.
Then will I have the same choice?
Will I put a shotgun to my mouth too?